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Photo: Carl Palmer (Hull, England)


we are not worthy... a cosmic monolith - galaxatic superlatives

Nice shot :) looks like you have raised the bar !! :)

debonair bridge
Love it love it love it love it love it

snack happy
Funky angle!

bit of quality, this shot is

Do you mind, some of us visitors have yet to take a shot of the bridge, contributions as good as this do not do ones confidence any good at all.

That is a great compliment, thank you.

I'm sure there's lpads of shots of the bridge to take. Such a unique and amazing structure.

Mrs. Terry
Nice night shot, gret perspective.


Seen in your photostream.

P. S. This photo is considered to be an outstanding architecture shot and invited to The Pritzker Architecture Prize on flickr rating group, where you can rate other shots and your shot will be rated too. Please read the group description and rules for more details.

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