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Photo: Carl Palmer (Hull, England)


A respectable result – I've taken much worse! Better luck next time. Are you shooting Raw as this will help?

Thanks for that Duncan. I was inspired by your set I must admit!

Not shot in Raw yet but will give it a try next time. Main problem with this was it was just too cold and windy. But I will plod on and try again!

i think it's good cmp. i've taken much worse also. i will wait for your next shot. :)

Good shot, this!

I took some similar shots the other night, I shall upload a couple soon.

debonair bridge
I think its really good considering how windy it has been. I esp like the shadow that the bridge is casting on the river. Good Job. Worth braving the elements for it :-)

Nice shot this. The reflection is great and the lights on the bridge give you the feel of just how long the bridge actually is.

Love the striking diagonals and the flare on the lights is great!
Good image.

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