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Humber Bridge 08.

Humber Bridge 08.
Photo: Carl Palmer (Hull, England)


Hi, I'm an admin for a group called Community Friend - Oct/Nov/Dec comp NOW OPEN!, and we'd love to have this added to the group!

Thats a lovely view....I hope there are more to come.
Never been in a helicopter, but always fancied a go, so I'm very jealous

Yer, there's some more when I get some more time to post them properly. Got a crackin' one of St Stephens.

debonair bridge
Wow wow wow wow wow. I had totally forgotton that you were going up there!!!

How was it?Looks fantastic.

I've been gliding a couple of times.

The co pilot once said to me ' Don't worry about the parachute, we don't go high enough for it to work. If we eject, you'll hit the ground before the parachute deploys'!

I must remember to take my camera next time I go!

nice, great view. I park my car somewhere down there every day for uni.

Excellent. That’s a big ol’ river.

What a great view. Is that Arco at the bottom?

Yep, that's the Arco depot at the bottom.

Great view, Carl; looking forward to the rest!

Nice one Carl... Been up in a Cessna today myself - doesn't Hull look odd from up there?

Black wolf
what a great view of the river
and well done to you for facing a fear

Sam Knox
LOL. Judging by the content of your safety brief, I'm guessing you were in an RAF helicopter?
That sounds like forces humour to me.

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