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All about me.

All about me.
Photo: Carl Palmer (Hull, England)


its good to see you though :) Sorry to hear things haven't been going too well. A new puppy is a problem to begin with, but after the trouble will be teh good times.

I'm elusive if nothing else Dave!

Interesting shot, suits the mood judging by your description. I hope things start to improve soon

the noggin_nogged
This is the time you pay for having a dog. It won't be long before he pays you back 10 fold. ;-)

Nice shot, by the way, love the tones you've caught. It's very dramatic!!

Chin up, matey.

Don't worry. That was last week. This week I managed to get Christmas off work. It made up for everything. And, we're teaching the dog to walk on it's lead. We just have to get over it's agraphobia!

numberless ear
Amazing work.

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