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Photo: Carl Palmer (Hull, England)


debonair bridge
Great shot. I love it

Black wolf
that definately conveys movement
good luck in the comp

nicely done a nice title and great capture

Chris Tait
Oh nice. Something i have not tried as yet and looks really cool.

very clever shot!

I like the way the back of the bus is static in the mirror but the front is moving. Very clever shot. I really like this one

Hi, I'm an admin for a group called Community Friend - Aug/Sept comp OPEN, and we'd love to have this added to the group!

Brilliant....I've seen shots like this loads of times with different takes on the same theme, but never one just like this. I like that it's all happening in different directions. Gives you so much to look at. Excellent. faved

the matt1
I like this. The inclusion of the mirror is a great touch. It's like a picture within a picture
great pic...very moving LOL.

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