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Photo: Carl Palmer (Hull, England)


Great lighting on this and the mirror image is very crisp..

This is my favourite, I like the yellow line.

the noggin_nogged
Yup, the yellow line makes it for me too

justine mcmillan
Yep it's the yellow line for me too. How come a yellow line can generate so much love? Nice clean wing mirrors, next time I attempt this kind of shot I must remember to clean the ruddy mirrors.

I hope you weren't driving

the matt1
I think I like this best of the bunch too. The yellow line (damn that's a popular line) and the blurring on the black and white stripes give a really interesting effect.

dynamic square
Interesting little series this... from the little thumbnails this is the one that caught my eye.
Very cool.

The little yellow line. Maybe it will become as famous as the mighty 'Bridge'.

Ta for the comments. Appreciated.

Wonderful!!! Great shot! Congratulation!

Seen in My Contacts' photos

sweet mailbox
good idea, Carl!

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