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excellent shot!! maybe you should try and get some shots of sharks with frickin laser beams attached to their head, that'd be cool

Im not sure i would have admitted going to a Kylie concert myself, LOL.

debonair bridge
Great shot and even better if it was a fluke. The laser beam looks fabtastic

Scott Leach
I didn't know you were a friend of dorothy carl :) :P

I'm not sure what you men Scott. I'm shocked ;-)

Scott Leach
MEN!! lol nice freudian slip there!!!


Mrs Airwolfhound
i went to this too!!!!!

had a lotta fun :-) This is a fabby shot!

I want a new camera so I can get shots like that. I was well p'd off that you got it and not me, hate my camera it's too slow

JEALOUS moi, never JEALOUS, but i will have my revenge

Your camera is my old camera Mr C. I'm still very fond of it. But it's not an SLR and you're right it's slow.

Thanks for the comment Amy. I;d seen your Dr Who shots before. They're fab. Well worth a visit.

really cool shot carl the laser is fanastic very well caught it has worked well for you in the shot

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