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Home > Photos > Hull. 08.


Scott Leach
Very nice! A really strong entry.

debonair bridge
I like this in B&W more than in colour. I didn't really think much of it at the time, but now it has a certain something about it. I like the over 65 army trudging towards the city centre determined to do their daily shop!

the noggin_nogged
Great point of view, soo many lines! I like the b&w too.

excellent shot! good luck in the comp

i think some shots just lend themselves to black and white and this is one of them great shot

This is great, you've made our little bus station look like an international airport. I love the contrast and criss-crossing lines. This would have won last months competition easily!

Thanks for the comment Dave. Much appreciated.

Looking at this now the lines on the floor drive me nuts. Not horizontal at all.

I'm sure I straightened at but obviuosly not that part of the picture.

Thanks again.

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