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What a great story and great picture!

debonair bridge
I am liking the pic .

It was worth my standing on the slippery rock holding the umbrella above you and your camera trying not to poke you in the eye with it, while the wind tried effortlessly to blow me over, and blow my hood off so eveyone could see my stupid hair flying all over the place.

The wind, the rain, the chavs, their stupid looking and sounding cars, an evening of putting the world to rights, as always, the cold, the wind, the rain, the people from the south bank, who at 830pm decide to go and sit on the foreshore in their stupidly skimpy coats to probably engage in some sexual activity with several of their "friends", and you were convinced one of them was an old woman but then as they walked past you actually realised it was a 20 something guy, is just what i love about photography!!

Oh yeah and the bridge is off centre. I blame the wind!

I forgot about the old woman. I was absolutely convinced. Hw was I to know the fashion for young men was to dress as an old woman?

As a note to everything it's probably best not to look at this picture any larger. I looked and realised it's completely out of focus. I blame the rain.

he he he lol :)

a great story Carl it sounds like you and Emma had great fun !!! :) all in the name of photography, well done :)

ps the bridge is off centre :) !!


cool pic too!

lovely story - as least you can laugh about it. being north american had not hip enough to have an astra sxi (i ride a bandit 1200s - shared with black_wolf), what is dogging? be kind to the canadian.

although the picture is off centre and blurred it adds to the ambience of the story.

it almost makes the humber look beautiful when you take photo's at night
Another good bridge shot

Don't be too surprised at your car being stared at by the natives on the south bank. They have 'cargo cults' in that area I believe. I always consider the 'Yellow Bellies' to be strange but generally harmless in their habits. In fact on my journeys across to the other side I often take several bin bags of old clothes, household items I have no further use of, etc and leave them in a lay-by on the south bank, for the needy. I believe in helping the less fortunate, and let's face it, who isn't less fortunate than I.

Now now Mr Music.

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