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Humber Bridge 08.

Humber Bridge 08.
Photo: Carl Palmer (Hull, England)


only an element of obsession. mind you the images you capture are stunning so maybe it could be considered a healthy obsession.
Does Dunc know you were at his bridge??!!

Superb shot Carl - really clean and perfectly timed...

Seen on my Flickr home page. (?)

Great shot Carl - I think I've said it before, but almost looks like a Halo-esque structure!

I heard from Dunc last night he is resiting his studio to Brough soon and will not be passing the Bridge every day, maybe you can fill his 10 league boots and be the new Bridge Master----

debonair bridge
Again very nice.

neighborly pets
this is great. it kind of puts an image in my head of the bridge leading up to heaven, or something.

Chris Tait
well if they keep looking this good then why not keep going back?

Humber Bridge Boy
The starburst is a wonderful effect, looks very summery in the freezing cold of today. The composition is great too!

great shot, love the sunburst creeping over the bridge there

Seen in my contacts' photos. (?)

Trust me Alex, it was cold on the day!

really nice shot. nicely done with really sharp colours

I really like this angle. It sets the bridge off perfectly

Mrs Airwolfhound
Hi, I'm an admin for a group called Sunlight Sparkles, and we'd love to have this added to the group!

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