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Humber Bridge 08.

Humber Bridge 08.
Photo: Carl Palmer (Hull, England)


Black wolf
thats wild
its got to be one of your best shots of the bridge
you've made it look like a space ship flying over Hull

Scott Leach
Why will the thoughts "fat girl" and "thong" not leave my head?

very cool angle and composition.

when is a bridge not a bridge - have you got a stiff neck?

thought provoking study... nice one...

Tell me Scott, what exactly is going through your mind?

Never seen it looking like that before. It looks like a huge dagger

Duncan Award - Congratulations please upload your photo to the Community Friend photo pool

Crazy Kernow
Very interesting perspective....................clever...........

the noggin_nogged
Nicely positioned in the corner, it makes it look sooooooo long!

even quartz
New view, Sweet shot.

It's an imperial ship.

mark lorch
Scott, I'd seek some help for that it I were you.

debonair bridge
Very nice

Humber Bridge Boy
Great perspective, the effect is great!

Scott Leach
I can't be held responsible for others lack of imagination :P :)

Yep i agree with Neil it look like an imperial ship :)

cool shot nicely done

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