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Home > Photos > Hull. 08.


Scott Leach
Great colours. LIke the wacky composition, but can't help but think that a straight on shot would have been better.


Yer, I've got straight, but I've kept that for a special occasion.

Besides I work on the basis of my horizons are always off. So if I exagerate it then people will just think it's a quirky shot.

i like the capture and the composition. the angle makes me think of the old batman series on television.

wonderful sky

Black wolf
Ahhhh the world is back where it should be,
it was starting to get worrying with all the level/straight

debonair bridge
Why do I look at that and think that we were not even in the same place this morning.

Your too good at this now. Your putting me to shame!!!

Great shot!!!

Quite Adept
When's the special occasion? Hopefully soon - I love the colours and all the different elements together but not the angle.

Great shot. Could do with straightening up a touch though...

Seen on my Flickr home page. (?)

Hi, I'm an admin for a group called Community Friend, and we'd love to have your photo added to the group.

Smart stuff, love the contrast of colours, that pink/red and the deep blue

Love the colours and the 'wacky composition'. Great shot.

Crazy Kernow
I can't make up my mind...............I should hate this angle..............but I find myself leaning toward liking it................DOH

It works for me Carl. Great colours. In fact I like the pinky-red-rivetedness in the foreground so much that I want see a bit more of the Wilmington Street bridge, but dunno if the composition really needs it.

Ok, the angle.

Truth is I wanted to fit lots of things in the shot all at the same time. The extracting mill had to be in and the Wilmington Bridge had to be in and I wanted to get the great rolling sky in that was above us.

On the horizon were ominous grey clouds so if I wanted to get colour in the picture then this was it.

The conventional angle just didn't work. It had far too much clutter in the frame, ie, all the barriers in front of the bridge.

I looked at the RAW image with the straight angle and it looked a mess, maybe just a bit too cluttered.

vm photos hull
I love the angle it's taken at, we all seem to get stuck in the rut of making sure every photo we take is straight, rule of thirds etc

It's alway nice to see a quirky shot now and then, it makes you realise theres more to photography then straight up and down, and perhaps make you want to try tilting your camera now and then to see what happens.

practacalize my ride
Great location, great angle, great colours! Love it..

nicely done,
the angle looks fine to me :)

the noggin_nogged
It another winner in my book, I love the contrasting colours and composition.

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