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Home > Photos > Hull. 08.


debonair bridge
I think the P is too prominant in the picture. I think it take the focus away from the reflection....

I still don't think its that great, but I did it cos you made me.

You did it cos you have to. You felt ... obliged.

I have think you are right Carl the P is good and afterall how many times can you P in public ;)

Scott Leach
That's a cracking take on a Hull favourite. I agree with the note though! Well done mate!

This really works for me.

great angles, worthy of a magazine entry...

Quite Adept
I'll think there be many who will try to copy this idea. Q(ueue)s will form by the P sign as each person tries to get the best angle. Shame about the car but it is a designated parking area, after all!

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