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Home > Photos > Hull. 08.


Gail Steeden (Delderfield)
wow - great example of eco-art showing renewable energy does;'t have to be an eyesore...
great shot, love the angle & the blue sky

You’re right, it’s great location and much photographed, but I think you’ve brought something new to it.

debonair bridge
The angle is fantastic. Your wide angle lens makes all the difference to these shots. Also the colours are fantastic although the sky was brilliant yesterday.

Black wolf
great shot, I've always loved your trade mark skies.
And I didn't know that evilmightyf was so tall

This place is great for photos and you've both done a fantastic job of capturing it

P.S. which wide angle lens are you using? Off to the big trade show at the NEC in a couple of weeks so I may be tempted

Crazy Kernow
Great perspective.

Scott Young
Ahhhh the jaunty angle, really like this Carl, great capture.

Blue skies are the best therapy for everything! :-)

** Janets Photos **
Hi, I'm an admin for a group called Hull and East Riding, and we'd love to have this added to the group!

Hi, I'm an admin for a group called arc architecture centre, and we'd love to have this added to the group!

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