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Photo: Carl Palmer (Hull, England)


debonair bridge
Thats is awesome, but what have i told you about cold calling the ambulances out, for the sake of photography!!

Looking at this a day after I'm well happy with this.

And it was my first ever attempt.

I think next time I should leave it til it's a bit darker.

I can't work out why the red lights go up a bit just past the second lamp post.

debonair bridge
It does it further up as well!!Maybe the driver had the sneezes

debonair bridge
What possessed you to take a shot like that anyway?Its pretty creative!

Well...... I was on my my way home from Humber Bridge.

David Michael Morris
Great night time pic. Nice work.

debonair bridge
Chosen as one of the best of the Hull Pool

Steve Roe
Emma pointed this out in the above thread, what on earth is going on with the brake lights on the left, they seem to "jump" in the air every so often!

The light's I can't explain. It's bizarre isn't it. Can't have been camera shake as it was on a tripod.

Maybe I should send it to Arthur C Clarke for examination!!

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