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Old photos
Photo: Carl Palmer (Hull, England)


debonair bridge
I don't know why, but I like this picture for the reason that it hasn't actually collapsed into the sea!

well, you must bare in mind this was taken three years ago.

It's in a much much much worse state now. It cought fire a while back. There are some great photos on here of it if you have a look around.


for a really good example if it burning down.

This was taken on March 15th. It burnt down on the 28th. Such a shame. It should have never have got in this state.

Neil is very upset about it.

debonair bridge
No defo not because its a massive piece of history. Are they going to rebuild it then, or just leave it as a burnt out eyesore?

Pass, dunno. I was last down there last October and there wasn't much left of it. I think it's past repair now. Sad eh?

debonair bridge
It is actually beacuse it was built ages ago, plus they do not know what caused the first fire, but they are blaming the second on on professional arson or something along those lines. Please correct me if i'm wrong

I think you're along the right lines.

debonair bridge,_Brighton

Thats where i read it!!!its quite interesting actually.

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