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Humber Bridge at night.

Humber Bridge at night.
Photo: Carl Palmer (Hull, England)


That’s a bit arty.

Nice shot Carlos :)

Something a little different from your usual style :) Nicley done :)

The exposure betrays just how dark it was. There's no street lighting in those parts so the only light there available is from the bridge. As such I had ni idea what I was focusing on. It was a bit hit or miss resulting on the out of focus effect.

I'd like to say it was on purpose, but it would be a lie. I liked the result anyhow.

debonair bridge
Yeah i agree with the focus part. Some came out really good and others were just a mess!!!!

I like this one a lot. The lines of lights stand out.
I like the blur - the blue is also exquisite (and I do like my blues)

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