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Good shot. I like the way the background is light enough behind his head so that his hair doesn't get lost.

seemly bucket
A great tonal range and considerably little grain for 3200 ISO. I guess I have to try this film in medium format, too. 1-2-3

What a great vest!

nice portrait!

This is very nice. Warm and loving.

Monkey Magic
Great shot, you got fab results from your 3200.

What a terrific informal portrait.

maz hewitt

@Monkey Magic, I got good results once I worked out I needed to leave it in the developer for an extra 2 mins over the recommended time.

Monkey Magic
Yeah I gave mine to someone to do and they did a crappy job!

Not got round to the whole home development yet - we live in a shoebox flat - does it take up much room?

maz hewitt
I have everything I need in a box

30cm x 40cm x 30cm. We: Jude, Kyra and I also live in a shoebox flat, I do my dev in the bathroom, and use a changing bag to load the film.

Dave Gorman
This is a great portrait - I really love it. Great expression; full of character. There are details that really lift it. The food on the plate adds to the lack of formality and the blurry photo on the ledge (a man and a baby?) adds to the sense of home and family. A favourite.

maz hewitt
Actually, funnily enough, it's a photo of me and my daugher :-)

tame thumb
That's amazingly little grain for ISO3200!

The discussion on this picture for the Weekly pool can be found here.

This is great! I too am surprised at the ultrafine grain. I love how you've captured your Granddad in a very natural yet sophisticated frame.

maz hewitt
Bri4n, it's mainly the 6x6 format that gives the ultrafine grain of the shot.

Hi, I'm an admin for a group called Granddaddies, Grandfathers, Poppas, etc., and we'd love to have this added to the group!

Lovely photograph. The tones are really nice for this film.

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