Home > Photos > These are my favourites > Gasometer Later

These are my favourites

These are my favourites
Photo credit: Mazda Hewitt (Zurich, Switzerland)

not sure what it is but love the colors here :)

maz hewitt
It's a Victorian gas storage structure, that's empty at the moment.

Where in Reading?
It makes a good feature against the sky. Good shot.

maz hewitt
behind homebase and toys 'r us, where the kennet meets the thames.

Ray Byrne
Fantastic picture. Gasometers are not meant to be beautiful.

wow, gorgeous colors and composition!

Way Deece
Nice job with colors, actually. The crop seems to leave vital info on the bottom, so the subjects sort of float in from nowhere. There could be more happening below I'm saying.

-voted as "deleteme" (from the Delete me! group)

Dan Barak
It's a good photo. The composition is interesting, but perhaps if you could crop it without seeing all the stuff on the ground?

The colors are nice too, but not quite amazing... have you tried a b&w version, or sepia?

Sorry, I just don't find it interesting enough for the safe.

-voted as "deleteme2" (from the Delete me! group)

Glenn Loos-Austin
I love the composition, but the colors remind me of stuff that I tried (and failed) to save from underexposure.

-voted as "deleteme3"

Nice work, great color palette, perfect just before dawn feel.

-voted as "saveme" (from the Delete me! group)

its just a nice colour composition al together. If I look at it more then one second, its starting to become uninteresting, but still.


Nate C
I agree that these structures are fascinating in real life, but I think they are a prime example of something that looks so self-evidently cool, yet it is so hard to communicate that within a single photographic frame. I think given the subject matter, this could be done better, with less sterility, and a better sense of how you feel when you see them in real life.

-voted as "deleteme4" (from the Delete me! group)

Rod Monkey
Good composition and good colours, quite atmospheric

-voted as "saveme3" (from the Delete me! group)

Really nice shot, love the colors and the subject as well. But after some pondering i think there is too much of the roof in the pic and the left corner is a bit too dark.
-voted as "deleteme5" (from Deleteme! group)

dangerous voice
Nice colours, but I totally don't like that roof in the foreground.

-voted as "deleteme" (from Deleteme! group)

I didn't realize we were allowed to bump photos in the pool. ;)

maz hewitt
why not? Anything to get it deleted faster ;-)

Brian Gerard
I like the cold, almost frosty feel of the roof. This really works for me.

-voted as "saveme4" (from the Delete me! group)

aloof wing
i dig the sky, but i don't dig the content in any other respect than the shapes of the tank holding frame. in this sense, i think, it should've been silhouette.

-voted as "deleteme8" (from the Delete me! group)

Wow, this one is gorgeous!

#1 from the Applaud me group
Really cool, I like the straight lines of the roof vs the curve of the structure

fair transport
#2 (from the Applaud me
Surreal !

Ms. Soccer_Roo

Applaud Me!! #3

Nice composition against a wonderful sky.

#4 (from the Applaud me

Interesting compo.
I like how the lines of the roof top make you look at the center of the picture.

#5 (from the Applaud me! group)

Bill in DC
#6 (from the Applaud me

Interesting choice of blue, with a fantastic sky for the backdrop.

#7 (from the Applaud me

I very much like what you've done with the sky here; excellent.

#8 (from the Applaud me

I think I like this better every time I see it.

#9 (from the Applaud me group)

maz hewitt
Thankyou Alex.

love this, the framing of the sky, the leading line of the roof...

#10 (from the applaud me group)

How did you make Reading so colourful.


However it isn't Rome, it is

Photo reference: 56941669

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