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These are my favourites

These are my favourites
Photo credit: Mazda Hewitt (Zurich, Switzerland)

Lovely, in a sort of Tarantino-esque way

Please submit this to the Brainweather Pool as part of the latest theme "invite your Brainweather neighbours' dirty laundry" by xdrei.

yes, interesting shot.

Seen on your photo stream. (?)

public kittens
Oh dear, she is thinking of running away!! Nice pictures, nice humour. I'll call you for my wedding, if ever that happens.

Really nice composition, and the black and white treatment is perfect for an image so dominated by strong blacks/whites..

maz hewitt

Daniel Krieger Photography
damn this is great

yea tarantino, brilliant

gainful button
Well done! It's damned difficult to take really interesting wedding shots.

delicious oven
different, thoughtful and emotional. like her look, wich draws me in right next to the huge back of the guy on the left. keeping me out.

Photo reference: 459718013

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