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These are my favourites

These are my favourites
Photo credit: Mazda Hewitt (Zurich, Switzerland)

stunning compostition in b&w. the iciness of the branches, and the shadows of the trees are and awesome sight indeed!

great photo!!

previous foot

Bill Smith1
Nice, I never thought it was possible.

Very nice happy accident here. You obviously lost a lot of shadow detail but the interesting separation in the highlights seems to have made it worthwhile...

super - what a nice surprise indeed.

those deep blacks are just perfect, wonderfully wintery...

A very nice series. You captured fairytale beauty.

Dog's bollocks mate. It feels like it was shot in the infra red. The dark trunks really break up the scene beautifully.

Lovely shot - love the icy trees. Great textures and patterns

yeah... it does pay not to give up on those oops rolls... now you have a new technique in your arsenal. love these.

Photo reference: 339949991

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